Happy Monday Ya’ll!!! It’s that time of the week again! Time to link up with Jenn and Jessica for…5 for Friday!! First, lets take a look at how I did last week… 1. Clean out junk room. Done! 2. Finish Christmas shopping for the out of town niece and nephew. Done. 3. Steam hardwoods this week. Done. 4. Do one blog… View Post
5 for Five
Good morning all!!! Happy Monday!!!! I can say that because I have been off work since Thursday and don’t have to go to work until 2:30 this afternoon. Life is sweet. Anyway….today I am linking up again with Jenn and Jessica for…5 for Five! How did I do last week? Hmmmm…. 1. Finish/mail two wreaths and make surprise wreath for someone…. View Post
5 for Five
Happy Monday!! Today I am linking with Jenn and Jessica again for….5 for Five! First, lets see how I did last week… 1. DO NOT HIT THE FREAKING SNOOZE BUTTON MORE THAN TWICE EACH MORNING. Lets face it…this one isn’t happening any time soon. 2. No fast food this week. Damn you Wendy’s for being right beside my hospital. 3. No unnecessary spending… View Post
5 for Five
Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend…I sure did! Today I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 For Five. I didn’t get to link up last week because I was out of town for the birth of my niece and all!! Missing that sweet baby girl….can’t wait to get back home so I can hold her again! Anyway…here it goes! 1…. View Post