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Happy Monday!!
Today I am linking with Jenn and Jessica again for….5 for Five!
First, lets see how I did last week…
1. DO NOT HIT THE FREAKING SNOOZE BUTTON MORE THAN TWICE EACH MORNING. Lets face it…this one isn’t happening any time soon.
2. No fast food this week. Damn you Wendy’s for being right beside my hospital.
3. No unnecessary spending this week. See above answer.
4. Work on my Etsy Shop. DONE and OPENED!!!! Need a custom wreath? Check out my shop! Don’t see anything you like, email me on here and we can work something out!
5. Drink more water when I’m at work. Done. I brought my big ole mug from Pineapple Willy’s and kept this thing filled at all times.
Two out of five. Not so good. You know what though? That only leaves room for improvement!
Next week’s goals:
1. Finish/mail two wreaths and make surprise wreath for someone. (More details later when it’s done and delivered)
2. NO fast food this week. For realz this time.
3.Clean out “junk” room.
4. Strip paint off desk. This may get done this coming weekend but I’m still counting it.
5. Give a stranger a compliment each day.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!
I am totally on a money freeze too…but Christmas presents don’t count right? ;) Since we moved this past week, I swear my kids have had happy meals at least 5 days out of 7, this week that has got to change, but at least they come with apples!
Bahaha, I’m a “snoozer”, too! I have 3 alarms set on my phone, each 15 mins apart and I *still* hit the snooze over and over.
And congrats on your shop, I’m heading over to check it out right now! :)
Snooze is my best friend. I honestly can not get up until it’s gone off at least twice!!