I would say Happy Monday but I am working today and getting up at 4:30am is NOT a happy thing. The one thing I do like about Mondays is this sweet little link up here… I seriously LOVE linking up with Jenn and Jess every Monday to share my goals. Ya’ll keep me accountable!! So how did I do last… View Post
5 for Five
Good morning lovlies!! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! I had to work so that was no bueno but I’m off today!!! WOOHOO!! Today I am back with on of my FAVORITE linkups with two very fabulous ladies, Jenn of Party of One and Jessica of Fantastically Average, for….5 for Five! Last week was resolutions so I am starting fresh this week with new… View Post
5 for Five NYE Edition
Happy New Years Eve!! I’m thinking that next year can only get better right? It better… Today I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for…5 for Five NYE Edition!! That’s right, a New Year’s Resolution version of 5 for Five!!! I can’t wait to share my resolutions with ya’ll…maybe if I share them I will actually keep them? We… View Post
5 for Five
Merry Christmas Eve!!! I can say that right? LOL! I don’t know about you but Christmas Eve is where it’s at in my Family…Sophie and I are down south for the next two days and tonight is Christmas at my Dad’s and tomorrow is Christmas at my Grandma’s. Fun stuff… We don’t so gifts anymore…only gifts for the babies. It’s such a… View Post