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I would say Happy Monday but I am working today and getting up at 4:30am is NOT a happy thing.
The one thing I do like about Mondays is this sweet little link up here…
I seriously LOVE linking up with Jenn and Jess every Monday to share my goals. Ya’ll keep me accountable!!
So how did I do last week?? Let’s see…
1. Work out at least two times. I’m going orange on this one because I worked once! That counts right?? I was going to do my boxing class but when I reviewed my January budget something had to go and boxing was it. That sucks but I pay $10 a month for a gym membership I don’t use so I have decided to utilize that before I commit to something else.
2. Drink as much H2O as possible! I have been a water drinking fool ya’ll!!! I guess I was dehydrated this past week because I always keep water on my nightstand in case I get thirsty in the middle of the night and one night I went through that giant mug TWICE. Girl was thirsty…
3. Finish the two wreaths I am working on this week. Done and done. One was for an Etsy order and the other was for a giveaway I am doing later this month. Speaking of my Etsy shop, I got two more orders Thursday. Guess what I’m doing tonight?? HA!
4. Bring my lunch to work every day I work this week. Before you get all “YAY Ricci!!” I only worked one day this week. I ran a low grade fever and had the worst sore throat ever known to human
kind so I stayed away from the already sick people. But I have plans for my lunches for this next week already!!
5. Make out a blog schedule. I am proud of myself for actually utilizing my Erin Condren planner this week. I mean, I always write my schedule down in it but I also planned my blog out and even wrote my 5 for Five goals down in the Goals section!
Not too bad, hopefully this next week will be just as good!!!
1. Work out at least twice this week.
2. Bring my lunch every day that I work this week.
3. Finish and mail my order from my Etsy Shop
4. Give Sophie a bath
5. Don’t make any unplanned purchases.
Robin says
That’s a pretty good amount of progress! I want to get a planner now.
Stephanie {Life, Actually} says
Good luck with your goals this week!! :)
Christin Theiss says
I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award over at my blog. You can come pick up your award here
<3 Christin
Andrea says
Great goals! Congrats on having almost all greens this week :)
Hope you have a great week!
Kenzie @ Life According to Kenz says
Girlfriend, you’re rocking these goals! I’m super proud of ya! I for one cannot wait until my Maybook planner gets here because I need to get organized pronto!
Hope you had a good day…… :) xxxxx
Beth Mayberry says
hahah! that card! i would a hundred times rather wake up on monday than be in hunger games! I had nightmares about that book :)
i am a new follower and it is nice to be here!