Last week I took two of my nieces to the Memphis Zoo and Aquarium and we had a blast! If you have been reading this blog any amount of time then you may remember that I went to the Memphis Zoo last year and I had such a great time I knew I wanted to go again and bring a… View Post
Friday Five No. 77
It’s that time of the week again…time for the Friday Five!! This is honestly one of my favorite posts of the week to write. It’s an easy, random, no pressure post that I think y’all enjoy as much as I do! If you are new around here then you should know that I reserve Fridays for random things, five random… View Post
Friday Five No. 64
TGIF y’all. T.G.I.F. That’s about all I have to say about this week. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad week at all!! I was just super busy with work and family stuff and blog stuff and there were a couple of days/nights that I only got about 4 hours of sleep and that’s just not enough for me!… View Post
Weekend Adventures with P
Remember last Friday’s post where I was super pumped to be off work all weekend long?? Yeah, I totally stretched that from Friday to Monday because I don’t have to be back at work until tonight. Yassssssss. Now that’s my kind of weekend. If you follow me on Instagram you may have noticed that I spent my weekend with my… View Post