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TGIF y’all. T.G.I.F. That’s about all I have to say about this week. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad week at all!! I was just super busy with work and family stuff and blog stuff and there were a couple of days/nights that I only got about 4 hours of sleep and that’s just not enough for me! I’m off work this weekend and only have one thing planned so far so I plan on making sleep my number one priority and I can’t wait!!!
So since today is Friday you know what that means…it’s time for the Friday Five!!! If you are new around here hone you should know that I reserve Friday’s for random things. Important things but random things. Things I want on the blog but things that wouldn’t necessarily make a full blog post. Most Fridays (like today) are about five completely random things but occasionally there is a theme.
Enough talk Ricci, let’s get to it!!!
ONE. My sweet niece Paycen was in a pageant this past Tuesday night and I got to go!! She won the Little Miss division of our county’s fair queen pageant last weekend and the district pageant was last Tuesday and even though she didn’t win I though she did a GREAT job! She had to answer on stage questions and pranced around that stage like a pro! I was nervous for her but she just rocked it!! I don’t know that I would have done so well at 5!! LOL!! You go girl!!
TWO. I am on the search for new sheets for my bed. Somehow I am down to only one set and that’s just not enough friends!! I have been looking for a while and haven’t found any that I just love. So if you have some sheets you are obsessed with let me know what kind they are!! I am open to any all suggestions!!
THREE. So I finished all eight seasons of Shameless last week on Netflix and after detoxing from that I watched the latest season of Call the Midwife!! Y’all. I LOVE that show!! It’s so good and I think I cry at every episode….no worries, it’s a good cry!! So now I am in need of another show to watch!! I have Netflix and Amazon Prime so tell me your faves!!

FOUR. I have some pretty amazing sponsored posts coming up on the blog in the next few weeks that I am super excited about!! You may have noticed that I have scaled back a lot on sponsored posts this year and there’s a good reason for that! Number one I felt like I wasn’t being truly authentic. I hate reading blogs that are nothing but sponsored content, they start to feel fake after a while and I didn’t want you, my readers, to feel that way about me. So this year I decided to only take on projects and sponsored posts that I genuinely loved.
The second reason is because sponsored posts/projects cane very time consuming and I have been very selective about what I wanted to spend my time on this year. I felt like I needed to focus on myself and my health and I have done just that and I feel amazing! So while yes, I do have a few sponsored posts going live soon just know that these are products I believe in and products I do in fact use in my home every day!
FIVE. YAS to this!!! I have had my fall candles out for a while now and my apartment smells so GOOD!! I can’t wait to find a good show to binge and chill on my couch with my Sophie pup smelling all of our amazing pumpkin candles!!
I hope you had a great week and are going to have an even better weekend!!
What is your favorite show to binge???
Do you have a good bed sheet recommendation??
What is your fave fall candle scent??
I’m loving my fall candles too… and I use an essential oil diffuser and make up some blends that smell like fall and it’s amazing!! Especially in Florida, because it’s still hot, but I have to make it feel like fall somehow! ha!
Also, girl I need some new sheets and bedding too, so share if you end up finding some. :) And those two shows are ones I haven’t watched yet, I guess it’s time for a binge!
Happy weekending!
I have bought some new fall candles and love lighting them. Congratulations to your niece. There is no way I could have done what she did at the age of 5 years old.
Enjoy your weekend! I enjoy Call The Midwife too. It tends to make me cry.
I also love fall scented candles. I have several of them in the house already.
Yay! I am so looking forward to sleeping more this coming weekend too! Definitely a great way to recharge for the busy week. Congratulations to your niece, by the way. Hope you find the right bed sheets you are looking for.
Enjoy your weekend! It sounds like you have it all planned out! I hope you find the right bed sheets, who knew it woudl be so difficult?
I love to get a few new candles each fall. There are so many great scents for this time of year. Pumpkin and cinnammon are two of my favorites
Call The Midwife is great isn’t it! Though I have to admit I’ve not watched some of the newer series, I should really try and catch up with it!
Bed sheets that I love are Boll & Branch at Great sheets, so comfy and soft. I am big into diffusers and essential oils, so I don’t have a candle recommendation for you.
I have heard a lot of good things about Shameless. I need some new shows. I am also CRAZY about sheets. I just tried the peach skin sheets a couple of months ago and I really liked them.
Did you see a girl named Laura in Shameless? I think her name was Karen? She is a good friend of my husband and mine. Never seen the show, but I have always been curious! And I do need another show to get into!
I love fall candles! I’ve put fall themed wax melts in my wax warmer and I’m loving it.
Can I just tell you that I LOVE your new main image. You look absolutely stunning.
I love watching Shameless, it is such a great show! Have fun this weekend, you seem to have some fun plans!
I went shopping for new bed sheets and comforter for my teen son’s bedroom a few ays ago and it wasn’t very fun ’cause I couldn’t find anything close to what I was looking for. And wow, that’s great about your 5 year old niece being on the pageant and rocking it!
You did have quite an eventful week. The highlight, of course, seems to be the achievement of your niece Paycen, awesome job at that young age. Kudos to her.
I’m such a teen with my binge shows. I love watching pretty little liars over and over again and recently started Veronica Mars. I love binge watching!
She looks so very cute in her pageant. I used to love doing those as kids. I always had such a great time.
I recently got higher thread count sheets and I must say, I quite enjoy them. It is seriously worth it!
All of my Fall scented candles are also out. This is my favorite time of the year!
Wow! Looks like we have so much to look forward to! I’ve been curious about Shameless and I feel bad for not giving myself to watch it!