Remember a couple of weeks ago when I shared my hair and makeup empties with you and said I would be doing a skincare empties post at some point? Well today is the day! It’s skincare empties day!! I started saving my empties right after Thanksgiving, which is right around the same time I decided to start using up all… View Post
Updated Night Time Skincare Routine
I was getting ready for bed the other morning (night shift probs…) and realized that it’s been a HOT minute since I shared my night time skincare routine with y’all. I honestly think the last time I shared a detailed post with y’all was last August!! Oops!! If you are new around here I am a skincare junkie and I have… View Post
Get Your Acne Under Control with Clinique Acne Solutions System!
I know I talk about skincare a lot and I am totally ok with that. I find that I have found most of my “holy grail” skincare products from other bloggers and any time I am thinking about purchasing any new products I always look online for reviews to see what others have to say about them. So for me,… View Post
Everything You Wanted to Know About Skin Exfoliation & More!
I don’t know about you but I am in a bit of a skincare slump. I go through periods of taking really good care of my skin and then I miss a night or two and then BAM. I’m in a slump and I haven’t exfoliated or used a night cream in a couple of weeks. Ugh. I hate when… View Post