Do you know what frustrates me more that anything? Having a Facebook page for my blog and my posts hardly reaching anyone. I currently have almost 1200 likes on my page and only about 5% of those people were even seeing my content. Booooooo!! So how does one increase their Facebook Fan Page engagement?? Let me tell you all about… View Post
How to Make Money Blogging Part Two
Happy Monday!! Today I am back with part 2 of my “How to Make Money Blogging” mini series! If you missed part one last week you can check it out HERE. Last week I told you about my favorite blogging networks to join to get sponsored posts and today I will tell you about a few more ways to make… View Post
How to Make Money Blogging Part One
I have written this post a thousand times in my head but have yet to actually type it out…LOL! Recently I have gotten several emails on how to get sponsored posts and how to make money in general through blogging so today I thought I would share my thoughts with you! This will be part one of how to make money… View Post
WordPress Categories vs Tags: What’s the Difference??
I have officially dubbed today: WordPress Wednesday. I’m sure I have mentioned it on here a few times but I am a little OCD. When my blog got transferred from Blogger to WordPress last summer all of my old posts lost their formatting. It is a mess y’all. They are all one big paragraph and the pictures are super tiny…. View Post