Today’s What I am Loving Wednesday is dedicated to my new love of probiotics. I’m sure everyone has heard of probiotics thanks to Activia…LOL! I know I’ve heard of them for a long time but never really knew what they were or what health benefits they give. So today I am going to tell you about my absolute fave probiotic,… View Post
WILW: Aloe Vera
I am dedicating today’s What I’m Loving Wednesday post to one of my must-have summer staples, aloe vera! Aloe has saved me from many sunburns, kitchen mishaps, and countless Chi incidents. I used to have a small aloe plant but it got crushed in the move to mu house a few years ago and I never replaced it. Instead I… View Post
WILW: Coconut Oil
Today I am sharing a very new love of my life with you…Coconut Oil!!! Since summer has officially set in here in the south I have been looking for a good moisturizer and I swear a light went off in my head one day and I was like DUH! Coconut oil! I have read so much in the past couple of… View Post
Be The Match
I know that I don’t talk about it much on here but my Mom passed away the summer after I graduated high school in 2001. That’s right, I’m old. My Mom had colon cancer. She was one of the youngest patients her doctor had because women in their 40’s just don’t get colon cancer. I have always wanted to do… View Post