Happy Hump Day!! Yesterday I left you hanging in Salem and today we are off to Boston! I think I told you yesterday that we actually stayed in Cambridge. Cambridge is about a 45 minute drive from Salem and even closer to Boston. We decided to do a trolley tour of Cambridge/Boston and this worked out pretty perfect because one of the trolley… View Post
Road Trip Recap: Salem
Hey there pretty people!! Happy Tuesday to you!! The last time I did a road trip recap I was just finishing up NYC and then I left you hanging for a few days, sorry about that!! After we hit up the Starbucks in Times Square we hit the road again and we traveled from NYC to our next hotel in… View Post
Road Trip Recap: NYC Day 1
Yesterday I told you all about the fabulous W New York Times Square and today I will tell you about what we did in NYC!! I have to preface this post by saying that NYC is probably my favorite city in the entire world, for now. It is exciting, beautiful, fast-paced, full of history, and just plain ole fun. I… View Post
Road Trip Recap: Atlantic City
Road Trip Recap is back!! I left off Monday with leaving Philadelphia. We got on the road pretty early and arrived at our destination, Atlantic City NJ, around lunch time. We did a little shopping first because we got there too early to check in to our hotel. Atlantic City has a fabulous outlet mall and I spent way too… View Post