Remember last week when I posted about Jenn getting married? Well I decided that since I was already in Georgia and off work I might as well do a little sight seeing so I extended my trip and drove to Savannah for a few days. Savannah has been on my bucket list of places to travel for a long time… View Post
Jenn is MARRIED!
One month ago yesterday one of my best blog (and in real life) friends got married!! I met Jenn waaaaaay back in 2012/2013 when she was blogging over at Party of One and we met in person for the first time when we road tripped it together to Bloggy Boot Camp in Charlotte NC. Who knew that in 2020 we… View Post
Solo Beach Trip 2020
Two weeks ago I went on my first solo beach trip!!! I have done solo trips before but they are usually just overnight and never more than a few hours away. This was my first full on, 10+ hour road trip, away from home by myself and I enjoyed *almost* every single minute of it! I went to Panama City… View Post
Sun Studio Tour in Memphis TN
A few weekends ago my friend Elizabeth and I road tripped it to Memphis. We had tickets to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at The Orpheum and decided to make a whole weekend of it. Her birthday was the week before and mine is this month so it was a birthday trip! We left early Saturday morning and our… View Post