Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you are all having an amazing holiday with your family and friends!! I normally don’t blog on holidays…or at least it’s not a real post but today is different. Today I wanted to share with you what I’m really thankful for. I am thankful for my family. And I mean my WHOLE family…my Dad and Step-Mom; my… View Post
I’m Also Thankful For…
Today I am linking up with Amber to tell you “What I’m Also Thankful For..” This list is strictly for the silly, materialistic things I am thankful for. Expect a more serious post later this week…LOL! Here we go… I am also thankful for… …the person who invented the Chi. I have said it before and I will say it again, I truly love… View Post
Saturday Randoms
***dont forget to enter my GIVEAWAY on Neely’s blog!!!*** Happy Saturday! I am back at work today and I’m actually happy to be here! After 8 days I feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. I have a million things running through my mind so I thought I would do a brain dump of sorts… I LOVE LOVE LOVE my… View Post
Better Late Than Never
I have seen everyone writing their “I’m thankful for…” lists here in blogland and on Facebook all month long and I’m thinking it’s about time I wrote mine. This has been a busy month for me and I am feeling very disconnected…especially this past week. Hopefully this post will get me back on track. I am thankful for my family…. View Post