It seems like I have been on a bit of a skincare kick lately and I can honestly say that I’m not too mad about it. Recently I have blogged about my experience with the Lancôme 28 Day Peel, a Clarisonic Challenge I completed and my summer skincare essentials. Today I am here to talk about yet another challenge I took… View Post
30 Day Clarisonic Challenge UPDATE
It’s finally here. The end of my 30 Day Clarisonic Challenge. If you missed the original post that’s ok, you can check it out here! The just of that post was that I had just finished Lancôme’s 28 Day Peel and wanted to extend those results as long as I could so I decided to start using my Clarisonic every… View Post
Friday Five No. 23
It’s Friday and you know what that means…it’s time for the FRIDAY FIVE!!! If you are new to these parts then you should know that I reserve Fridays to talk about five random things and today’s five is no exception. Completely random but completely blog worthy. Let’s get to it! ONE. If you know me in real life then you… View Post
My Mascara Combo for Longer, Fuller Lashes!
I have gotten a lot of questions lately about my eyelashes…do I use extensions?? Are they falsies?? Is it really just mascara?? Do you use a primer?? The short answer to those questions is no, no, yes, yes. The longer answer is below… I have talked about how brand loyal before and for my mascara is no exception to that… View Post