I can’t believe it’s January 19 and this is officially my first Friday Five of the new year. What’s up with that?? Hmmm…regardless I am glad to be back at it with five completely random things to tell you! So let’s get to it… ONE. I don’t know what ROCK I’ve been living under but HOW am I just now… View Post
Happy 7th Bloggiversary to Me + a GIVEAWAY
With all the craziness of going to Dallas and then catching upon sleep and getting back to work last week I completely missed my 7th Bloggiversary!! How did that even happen?? That’s right, I has been 7 years (November 11, 2010) since I started this little blog o’mine. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was about to have… View Post
Boost your Skincare Regimen with Jouviance!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Women Bloggers and Kendal King Group on behalf of their client Jouviance. While I was compensated for this post, all thoughts and opinions are my own. #BonjourJouviance I have been a skincare fanatic for as long as I can remember. Sometime in my late twenties I realized that I only… View Post
Carmel Apple Protein Waffles ft Big Slice {recipe}
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Big Slice. While I was compensated for this post, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I don’t know about you but sometimes I just need breakfast for dinner. I’m not really a huge breakfast food fan in the mornings but at night? Bring it on!!! I finished my… View Post