Happy Friday!! This has been the longest week ever and I don’t even know why!! Maybe it’s that whole post-vacation hangover thing and just trying to get back into the swing of things?? Or maybe it’s making a pretty big lifestyle change during my post-vacation hangover?? HA!! Anyway, I am so glad to be off work this weekend!! Since it’s Friday that… View Post
What I’m Reading – July 2018
Guess what time it is?? Time to talk about what I’m reading/what I read in July!! Yasssssss! If you know me at all then you know how much I love to read and have since I was a little girl. This is also one of the posts that I really look forward to writing each month because y’all always leave… View Post
Friday Five No. 59
It’s officially Friday and you know what that means!! It’s time for the 59th edition of the Friday Five!! If you are new around here then you should know that I reserve Fridays for posts about five things, most of the time those things are random but sometimes there is a theme. This week (as are most weeks) is completely… View Post
Friday Five No. 58
Happy Friday!! Blog post number 2 for the week coming in hot…HA! I promise to get better at this whole blog thing but summer has me wanting to spend all my time outside at the pool reading books! Ya feel me?? Anyway, enough rambling from me, here is this week’s Friday Five… ONE. Like I said, I’ve been living in… View Post