Happy Friday!! I hope you had a great Halloween week! I don’t know about where you live but it has been super rainy and gross around central Arkansas. I guess that was Mother Nature’s way of welcoming us into November? HA! Anyway, since it’s Friday you know what that means….it’s time for the Friday Five! If you are new around… View Post
50 Shades of Seattle
First of all can I just say that jet lag is REAL?? I have never experienced the complete tiredness and need to sleep like I have before this trip. Seattle is two hours ahead of me time zone wise plus working nights and trying to stay awake all day (in Seattle) completely screwed me up. Maybe I’m just getting old??… View Post
Weekend Recap
I actually had a weekend where one of my friends came down and we did all the things so therefor a weekend recap is in order! Woohoo!! So if you remember from Friday’s post two of my besties, Jenn and Rebekah, were supposed to come down for the weekend so we could introduce Jenn to Arkansas! Well, unfortunately Jenn sprained her… View Post
Nashville Adventures
This past weekend Rebekah and I loaded up (with my Sophie boo) and hit the road!! We went to Nashville to stay the weekend with our other bloggy bestie Jenn!! We haven’t been all together in Nashville since our trip last summer. Needless to say this was long overdue!! We got to the Nash kind of late so as soon… View Post