Remember last week when I waxed poetic about a striped sweatshirt? Well this week I’m back again with another super cute, super comfy sweatshirt only this one is covered in pearls! Is there anything more classy than pearls? I don’t think so. But on a sweatshirt? It can be done my friends! It can be done… If you can’t tell,… View Post
My Favorite Black and White Striped Sweatshirt
If you know me at all then you know that I value being comfy over almost anything. If a shoe hurts, I’m not wearing it. If something fits too tight, I’m not wearing it. If I can’t sit comfortably in it, I’m not wearing it. The point is I like being comfy and I also like any and everything that… View Post
Sole Society OBSESSED.
I guess I have been living under a rock for the past couple of years because I just discovered Sole Society bags this past summer and I am obsessed with them. Sole Society is a brand that believes that you shouldn’t have to spend an arm and a leg on cute bags, shoes and accessories and I agree!! Now don’t… View Post
Is It Fall Yet??
I think the question on everyone’s mind lately is…is it fall yet?? Just me?? I hope not. For some reason about this time every year I am just so over summer and the heat and the long days and so I do some sort of major house clean which always involves in changing out the wallflowers all over my house… View Post