I know I have talked about my love to read a lot lately, or at least it feels like I have. I joined Goodreads a while ago but I never did much with it. I recently re-discovered it and I am obsessed but that may have to do with my OCD tendencies. I am convinced that Goodreads was made for people with… View Post
Overlooked Book Series
If you have read this blog for any amount of of time you probably know that I love to read! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I am glad that some amazing book series have been made into movies (Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, etc) and are making even the most anti-reading people want to pick up a book and read. However, I feel like… View Post
Fall TV
It’s officially that time of year again!! What time you ask? Time for all of my very favorite fall tv shows to start!!! YAY!!! Some have already starred but the majority start this week and I couldn’t be happier than a fat kid in a candy store. Here are some of my old faves… Grey’s Anatomy. I have watched this show… View Post
Sarah’s Key
Now that school is back in session I am back to listening to my audiobooks. I “rent” them from my local library for free and download them to my iPhone via the Overdrive app. I have listened to a few good ones in the past couple weeks but my favorite one so far is Sara’s Key. Anyone heard of it… View Post