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Long time no see! I feel like I haven’t been in much of a blogging groove since I got sick mid-December. What started out as a sinus infection turned into strep and once I was well I got another sinus infection. After being sick for 3.5 weeks and all of the holiday craziness it’s been hard finding a good balance between work, catching up on sleep, cleaning everything in my apartment from floor to ceiling, trying to eat right, attempting to work out, thinking about blogging, and trying to stay social. I am only one person and so one thing had to go and unfortunately blogging took a bit of a back seat for a while.
However, now that I am feeling better and more like my usual self I am feeling a little bit more motivated to blog. During my down time I have been keeping track of all the great ideas I have for blog posts and now I’m almost ready to execute them.
If you have ever blogged before then you know it’s so much more than just writing. It’s writing a post, editing it, taking photos, editing the photos, scheduling the post, scheduling the social media for the post, and then being present the day it goes live to promote it. Blogging is a lot of work but it’s something I enjoy doing so I will keep doing it until it’s not fun anymore.

I feel like I am taking the Marie Kondo approach to blogging…the moment it stops bringing me joy I will quit. I have thought about quitting multiple times in the past but I’m so glad I haven’t. I love my little space here on the inter webs and it’s so fun (and slightly mortifying) to go back and read old content. LOL!!
So back to the title of this post…balance. If there is anything I need to accomplish in 2019 it is finding balance in my life.

I feel like some days I am doing all of the things and then other days I do absolutely nothing at all. I either go super hard core on eating right and working out and then I quit and go right back to my bad habits for months at a time. I either accomplish everything on my to-do list or I nap on the couch off and on all day/night (whatever time of the day I am up) and don’t get out of my pj’s. Call it being in a funk. Call it being in a rut but whatever it is I need to get over it and find more balance in my life.
I know that it’s completely normal to have days of accomplishing everything and days of doing absolutely nothing but I feel like I need to balance those things out so I don’t feel awful all the time like I have been lately. I need to find balance.
All of that being said I am declaring 2019 to be my year of balance. Call it my word of the year or whatever you want but this is the year I am determined to find my balance.
Did you choose a word of the year??
Do you feel like you lead a balanced life??
Fun fact, every time I have done a “word of the year” it has been an f-word…free, fancy, focus, fierce…and I thought long and hard about choosing another f-word for this year and this post actually started out very differently (I was going to choose fearless as my word this year) but the more I wrote the more I realized I needed some balance in my life so balance it is. It’s funny how that happens…

Balance is such a great word for 2019! I tend to be an all or nothing kind of girl in several areas of my life. My word for this year is present. Sometimes I get so caught up in all things blog related that I find myself checking my Instastories (wow – 600 views on my What I Wore to the basketball game story – true) or other blog related stuff instead of being present in the here and now. I love blogging, but I love my family and friends more. So that’s my word and I’m sticking to it. :)
Balance can be very tough to find in almost any aspect of life. It’s so easy to allow one part of your life to take over. You get focused on something, and you just forget about everything else.
Yes, it’s always important to have balance. Otherwise you can get burnt out. I realized this and I make sure to take breaks when I need it.
Balance is something we all strive to achieve! It doesn’t always happen but it is something we all want! This year I need to find a better way to balance my life! I am glad you are finally starting feeling better!
I’m still working on my word for this year. I hope to achieve finding balance one day soon. I’m sure taking small steps daily will help.
I didn’t choose a word of the year and I think I lead a pretty balanced life. Between faith, family, work, volunteering and all the other things going on in my life it amazes me sometimes that I’m able to accomplish anything. The busy-ness of day to day lives huh?
Balance is the key word for women this year and every year. Something we all seem to struggle with in our lives. Like your new approach and you will use it as long as it works for you.
I think that of all the one word descriptions this could be the best word I have heard. Balance in all aspects of life is so important better than moderation.
That’s a good word! My word is Me for this year I need to take some time to focus on me. I gave up blogging in the sense of trying to do sponsored posts and stuff I just do it now as a diary getting back to the basics of why I started and so far that has been better for me. I post when I want which could be once a week, twice a week, or 3 times a month
Like you I have been having trouble getting back into Blogging since the Holiday’s. Although I refuse to give up so I just put on foot in front of the other and move forward one step at a time. Because Balance is key for my family.
Of the things that I have the biggest issues with, balance is at the top of that list. I’ve been working hard at it over the last few months and hope to have it figured out soon.
I hear you about finding balance and committing the right amount of time to things. I find that my blogging goes in cycles. I get a little burnt out when life is so hectic and I have too many blogging projects going on at the same time, and then I seem to find myself in a lull. It’s interesting how it is always evolving.
You’re so right! There is much more to blogging than meets the eye. I love how you are taking it with a well-balanced approach.
I am so glad that you feel better! This is the most important thing. And sometimes we need a break! Happy that you are back!
My word for the year is time, a quality one at that. Now that I am getting older, I feel like time slips by. I want to spend some quality time with my husband and kids.
I haven’t thought of any word for this year. I did choose a word a couple of years ago and it was FOCUS. I think BALANCE is a great word of the year.
Balance is so important in life, but it can be so hard. Especially since with blogging, you can technically always be working. With no office, it’s hard to leave work sometimes.
Balance is extremely important. I think for blogging it’s even more important. I’ve been sick on and off for a while now, so I know how that goes. It’s hard to keep the balance when you’re sick too.
Gracias for being so real. Nice to ready BB isn’t the only “all or nothing” kinda gal in the blogging world. Hope you find the balance you seek. BB2U