Hello November! Only a day late but hey, who’s counting? HA! I totally meant to write this post yesterday but my allergies have been going nuts lately, I literally had the same sinus headache from the time I got to work Monday until I got home that night. I literally got home from work Monday night at 7:30pm, washed my face,… View Post
I’m back!!! I feel like I haven’t blogged in forever when really it’s only been a week. HA! In case you missed my last blog post or aren’t following me on any form of social media I went to Ohio for a week to visit my best friend and grandparents. I had a great week…we shopped, binge watched some great… View Post
Midweek Randoms
I couldn’t think of just one thing to post about today so instead you get whatever is on my mind…HA! Sorry in advance. I started and finished the new season of Orange is the New Black this past weekend. Y’all. It was sooooo good!! Definitely different than the first three seasons but in a good way. If you love comedy… View Post
5 Must Watch TV Shows for Summer 2016
I am a little bit of a tv-aholic. There is nothing more I love than getting lost in a great show…especially if it’s a yucky, rainy day outside (like it has been here lately, ugh) then there is absolutely nothing I love more than curling up on the couch with my Sophie girl and binge watching a good show. I have… View Post