This past weekend was my sorority’s State Day and I actually got to go!! WOOHOO!! I went to the very first one five years ago and since then it has always fallen on a weekend I had to work and I couldn’t get off for it so I was super pumped to be able to attend this one! I love seeing… View Post
10 Random Things About Me
I posed a question on my blog’s Facebook page and wanted to know what people wanted to see more of on my blog and everyone answered “more personal stuff and more funny stuff”. So here’s my shot at “more personal stuff”… 1. I have never been outside of the U.S. I need to remedy this soon. I have a long… View Post
Celebrating 25 Years of Sigma Sigma Sigma at SAU
25 Years ago something great happened on the Southern Arkansas University campus…..a group of ladies known as Xi Gamma Nu were chartered as Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority! I am extremely grateful for this because in Fall 2002 I pledged ans was initiated a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma!! Those were the 3 best years of my college career (I didn’t… View Post