Adult RSV. Who knew that was even a thing? Not me. I worked out with my trainer last Thursday and started coughing after that but I just assumed it was because it was 10* outside that day and I was really hot post-workout. Fast forward a week and I am still coughing, wheezing, and just plain ole miserable. YUCK! I… View Post
Sick Day
You may or may not have noticed my lack of posting last Thursday and Friday…sorry about that!! I went down hard with whatever stomach bug is going around while I was at work on Wednesday and didn’t feel any better until Saturday. Note to self – never talk about how great your immune system is because you work at a hospital. Karma… View Post
Saturday Randoms
Today is a yucky, rainy day here in Arkansas. Yesterday it was a gorgeous 80* outside. I even wore shorts out when I ran my errands. Today it is 50* and sleeting. WTF weather?!? My allergies are now out of control. I can’t breathe out of my nose, my head is pounding, and all I want to do is take… View Post