I have noticed a lot of new faces around here lately so I thought I would do a little “about me” post so that everyone can get to know me a little better. You can also check out my About Me page to get to know me even better. ONE. I am a Respiratory Therapist by day and I love… View Post
Goodreads is for OCD People
I know I have talked about my love to read a lot lately, or at least it feels like I have. I joined Goodreads a while ago but I never did much with it. I recently re-discovered it and I am obsessed but that may have to do with my OCD tendencies. I am convinced that Goodreads was made for people with… View Post
10 Random Things About Me
I posed a question on my blog’s Facebook page and wanted to know what people wanted to see more of on my blog and everyone answered “more personal stuff and more funny stuff”. So here’s my shot at “more personal stuff”… 1. I have never been outside of the U.S. I need to remedy this soon. I have a long… View Post
I’m Down with OCD
I have noticed the older I get the more OCD I get. Or maybe I am just now noticing how OCD I really am? For example, I like my bookshelves neat and orderly arranged in groups by Author and then in order of publication oldest to newest. Weird, right?? I also like my DVDs arranged alphabetically. I can’t stand when… View Post