If you know me at all then you know how much I love to go to the movies. I love going with my friends and I love going alone. A lot of people think it’s weird to go to the movies alone but I actually really love it. I love it so much I even wrote an entire blog post… View Post
Friday Five No. 4
It’s Friday!! WOOHOO!! Friday is actually my Monday since I work all weekend but I’m totally ok with that. I still love Fridays and since it’s Friday you know what that means….it’s time for the FRIDAY FIVE!!! ONE. The Jungle Book comes out today!! I am sooooo exited about this!! I am such a Disney fanatic and I have never… View Post
Dallas Trip Recap
I officially had the best. weekend. ever. this past weekend!! Last Friday I worked a half day and then Rebekah and I loaded up and got on the road headed to Dallas!!! You know how sometimes you need a break and you just need to get out of town and not see people for a few days?? Yeah, that’s the… View Post
Currently I am… …missing my people. I made a spur of the moment trip south one night last week to meet my sister, her husband, and my niece at the movies. We saw The Good Dinosaur and it was adorable!! I miss not living down the road from my family and need to make more spur of the moment trips… View Post