If you aren’t a blogger or social media influencer then you will probably have zero interest in this post. HA! But really though…today am going to talk about Instagram Pods and what I really think about them. This all stemmed from an article that was on BuzzFeed a couple of weeks ago titled “Facebook Removes 10 Instagram Algorithm-Gaming Groups with… View Post
My Love/Hate Relationship with Instagram
Let me preface this post by saying that I LOVE Instagram. I am a very visual person and I love looking at all of the beautiful photos on IG. It’s my favorite form of social media. I used to be a Facebook fanatic and while I still love it, IG is my number one these days. That being said I… View Post
Friday Five No. 47
Happy Friday!!! Is it just me or did this week fly by?? How is it already Friday? How is it already officially Spring? Why do I have to work this weekend? HA! So since it’s finally Friday and all you know the drill, it’s time for the Friday Five!! If you are new around here the Friday Five is just… View Post
How to Increase Facebook Fan Page Engagement
Do you know what frustrates me more that anything? Having a Facebook page for my blog and my posts hardly reaching anyone. I currently have almost 1200 likes on my page and only about 5% of those people were even seeing my content. Booooooo!! So how does one increase their Facebook Fan Page engagement?? Let me tell you all about… View Post