Happy Friday!! This has been the longest week ever and I don’t even know why!! Maybe it’s that whole post-vacation hangover thing and just trying to get back into the swing of things?? Or maybe it’s making a pretty big lifestyle change during my post-vacation hangover?? HA!! Anyway, I am so glad to be off work this weekend!! Since it’s Friday that… View Post
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…HALLOWEEN!
I have lived in my house for a little over 6 years and not changed much of anything up in the way of decor. I’ve done little things here and there but nothing too big. Last summer I finally got tired of all of my big furniture and so I sold it all and I have been slowly replacing those things… View Post
Hello Monday
Hello Monday! I have grown to actually love Mondays now that I don’t have to work every one. Monday’s are now my off days and I try to be super productive. Most Mondays are for grocery shopping, meal prepping, and getting homework done. This Monday will be for catching up on the shows I DVRed this past week!! I love… View Post
Midweek Catch Up
Midweek catch up time!!!I have been off work for the past four days and it has been wonderful!! My little sister came up Saturday and stayed the night with me. Even though we didn’t really do anything special it was nice to have her here. Sophie especially loved having someone new to play with and harass…lol! Sunday after my sister… View Post