All my life I have had big lips. I get asked all the time if they are fake/if I have had fillers and the answer is nope! That being said if you have lip fillers (or any fillers) or want them I say do it!! YOLO!! They are the real deal and trust me when I say that having big… View Post
Updated Night Time Skincare Routine
I was getting ready for bed the other morning (night shift probs…) and realized that it’s been a HOT minute since I shared my night time skincare routine with y’all. I honestly think the last time I shared a detailed post with y’all was last August!! Oops!! If you are new around here I am a skincare junkie and I have… View Post
I saw a meme earlier last week that said something about January being a “practice” month and letting February be the real first of the year and right now I am totally feeling like I need that to happen. HA! I had so many things I was going to implement on my blog starting Jan 1 and I have only… View Post