One of my resolutions for this year was to read 50 books. I decided to keep myself accountable, also because I always get asked what I’m reading, I decided to share what I’m reading with you on a monthly basis! Now I know it may seem like I read a lot but really most of these are books I listen… View Post
What I’ve Been Reading Lately…
It’s no secret that I am a huge book nerd. I read as many books, e-books, and listen to as many audiobooks as I can get my hands on!! I am huge chick lit and YA fan and so that’s what I mostly read. I am also obsessed with books about World War II, weird but true. I haven’t done a… View Post
A Fine Imitation
I vividly remember being extremely against e-readers and book apps and I’m pretty sure I said that I would never be one of those people who reads her books online because real books are just so much better. Well never say never because I am almost ashamed to tell you how long it takes me to read a real book these… View Post
Mother, Can You NOT?
A little over a year ago, my friend Logan introduced me to this hilarious Instagram account, @CrazyJewishMom If you already follow her then you know what I’m talking about, if you don’t then you need to check it out ASAP. Basically the @CrazyJewishMom IG is all screenshots of one crazy jewish mother’s texts to her daughter. And not your typical “call… View Post