Six years. Who would have thought that this little blog I started on a whim six years ago would still be going strong today. Technically my bloggiversary was 11/11 but I missed blogging on that day so here we are. I remember being soooooo nervous when I hit publish on that first blog post and looking back on some of my older posts today… View Post
2 Year Blogiversary
Happy Blogiversary to me!! I can’t believe I have been blogging for 2 whole years!!! Granted a year of that this blog was private and there have been whole months where I didn’t post a thing but still…I am amazed I have kept up with it this long. I am just now really getting into it and made friends and I… View Post
One Year Blogiversary
Happy One Year Blogiversary to me!!!One year ago today I started blogging! I originally started this blog as a journal just for me to read but then I went public after finding so many interesting blogs to read. I wondered if anyone would even want to read what I had to say but I guess some people do! This blog… View Post