One thing I am truly passionate about is blogging. And not just the writing aspect of it, although that is a huge part, but also the technical side of it. I love actually managing my own website and really digging into the back end of it and seeing all of the possibilities it has!! I am such a tech nerd,… View Post
One of my resolutions this year was to grow my writing portfolio outside of my blog. This is something I have been working really hard on and have actually had a series of articles picked up by about being Single in Central Arkansas. My first post, Single Girls Night Out in Little Rock, was published earlier in the month and my second one… View Post
How to Increase Facebook Fan Page Engagement
Do you know what frustrates me more that anything? Having a Facebook page for my blog and my posts hardly reaching anyone. I currently have almost 1200 likes on my page and only about 5% of those people were even seeing my content. Booooooo!! So how does one increase their Facebook Fan Page engagement?? Let me tell you all about… View Post
How to Make Money Blogging Part Two
Happy Monday!! Today I am back with part 2 of my “How to Make Money Blogging” mini series! If you missed part one last week you can check it out HERE. Last week I told you about my favorite blogging networks to join to get sponsored posts and today I will tell you about a few more ways to make… View Post