I have noticed the older I get the more OCD I get. Or maybe I am just now noticing how OCD I really am? For example, I like my bookshelves neat and orderly arranged in groups by Author and then in order of publication oldest to newest. Weird, right?? I also like my DVDs arranged alphabetically. I can’t stand when… View Post
I asked around the interwebs for some questions for a little Q&A post and this is what you lovely ladies have come up with… Q: How do you say your name? A: Ricci is pronounced like Ricky Q: What is your most embarrassing moment to date? A: I have embarrassing moments pretty often, but the most recent was when I… View Post
ABC’s of Me
Happy Friday y’all!! Today I am stealing borrowing this post idea from sweet Allie!! I think it’s a fun sort of get-to-know-you post that will help all of my new (and old) followers get to know me a little bit better! Here it goes…. A-Age: 29…but only for five more weeks! B-Bed Size: Queen….and amazingly I only get one tiny corner of… View Post
If You Really Knew Me…
I know that a lot of bloggers are doing a day of blog silence for the victims of the Connecticut shootings but for me writing is therapeutic and so I will continue to write. It may be a fluff post but still, it helps me. If you really knew me… …you would know that I will always have a smile on my… View Post