Sometimes at work I feel like no one hears what I’m saying. I feel like I am walking around like in that old commercial with a phone up to my ear screaming “Can you hear me now???”. Yes I just transferred to day shift from night shift. No I’m not new. No I’m not an idiot. I guess some of… View Post
Life seems to be changing at warp speed these days and I have to admit that I’m kind of liking it. All in the past month I have become a homeowner, switched to day shift at my job, and got a puppy! It’s kind of overwhelming and SUPER exciting at the same time. With all of the good things happening… View Post
The countdown is on….only 4 more hours until FREEDOM!! I have decided that I’m going to have the BEST week ever! One of my best friends is getting married on Saturday and one of my bestest friends is coming all the way from Ohio TODAY to stay with me all week!! (We are both in the wedding.) Which also means… View Post
Random Thursday
So today has been pretty boring. I had to go to the dentist this morning and have a crown replaced…yuck! When I got there it started snowing. Not cool weather, not cool at all. I am so sick of this winter weather. How can it be 75 degrees this weekend and then snow this week? I don’t get it…it must… View Post