First of all can I just say that jet lag is REAL?? I have never experienced the complete tiredness and need to sleep like I have before this trip. Seattle is two hours ahead of me time zone wise plus working nights and trying to stay awake all day (in Seattle) completely screwed me up. Maybe I’m just getting old??… View Post
My Favorite Amazon Purchases
Y’all. I am self-proclaimed Amazon junkie. I have been a Prime member for the last 6 years or so but have really gotten the most use out of my membership in the last couple of years. I used to only use it for the free shipping but now I use it for everything! I stream shows and videos, use the… View Post
Friday Five No. 40
It’s Friday and you know what that means…time for the Friday Five!! If you are new around here then you should know that Fridays are reserved for the sharing of random things that I think are interesting. Sometimes these things are similar and have a theme but most of the time they are totally random. Today is a random day!!… View Post
My Favorite After Christmas Sales
It’s the hap, happiest time of the year!!! Why?? It’s time for the after Christmas sales!!! Today I have rounded up all of the sales from some of my very favorite stores and found that some of my very items are on sale and I can’t wait to share all of these great sales with y’all!! So let’s get to… View Post