In case you haven’t noticed, Netflix has some pretty amazing movies!! I used to only think of Netflix as a place to binge my favorite shows but their movie selection, especially the originals, has gotten pretty freaking amazing lately. Since I have been watching a ton of Netflix original movies lately today I thought I would share with you what… View Post
Friday Five No. 24
It’s Friday and you know what that means…it’s time for the FRIDAY FIVE!!! If you are new to these parts then you should know that I reserve Fridays to talk about five random things and today’s five is no exception. Completely random but completely blog worthy. Let’s get to it! ONE. The #NSale is open to the public TODAY!!! I… View Post
Netflix Summer Bucket List
Some people make summer buckets lists of things to do. Me? I’m making a Netflix summer bucket list for all the binging I plan on doing. HA!! But really though, what better way to pass the time while traveling (I LOVE the new download feature) or just staying up on nights I don’t work that watching a little Netflix? I… View Post