Happy freaking Friday!! Has this been the weirdest week ever or what?? I have had the most random things happen and I’m really just happy this week is almost over!!! I almost wrote that I needed a redo for this week but I really don’t want to relive it! HA! On the plus side it is finally Friday and you… View Post
Is Mother’s Day without your mom even a real holiday anymore? I hate when people say the word “lost” when someone passes away. I didn’t “lose” my mom I know exactly where she is. My Mom passed away 15 years ago in July. She was diagnosed with colon cancer when I was a freshman in high school. Her doctor only… View Post
Life Lately
My school has been on Fall break this week and I think my blogging brain has been on break as well. I have been a busy little bee catching up on the huge pile of mail that had been sitting on my counter for ages, cleaning out my closet, taking a car load of stuff to Goodwill, and catching up… View Post