Happy Monday!! Today I am linking with Jenn and Jessica again for….5 for Five! First, lets see how I did last week… 1. DO NOT HIT THE FREAKING SNOOZE BUTTON MORE THAN TWICE EACH MORNING. Lets face it…this one isn’t happening any time soon. 2. No fast food this week. Damn you Wendy’s for being right beside my hospital. 3. No unnecessary spending… View Post
Friday’s Letters
Happy Friday!!!! It’s almost the WEEKEND!!! WOOHOO!!! That being said, today I’m linking up with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for…Friday’s Letters! Dear Cirque Dreams Holidaze, I still can’t believe I got to see a Cirque show from the front row yesterday!!! The performers were AMAZING!!!! The Christmas music was AMAZING!!! Everything was AMAZING!!! Dear November, How is today your last day… View Post