As many of you may already know I have a BIG birthday coming up (tomorrow…eeeek!!!) and so this weekend my friend Elizabeth and I celebrated by going to Memphis, TN and watching Mary Poppins, the musical!! Her birthday was last month and so we did a joint birthday weekend. Little selfie action before we left of course… We left early… View Post
The Big 2-9
This is my very first post as the Big 2-9! I must say it doesn’t feel any different from being a 28 or 27 year old…LOL! My actual birthday was yesterday which is the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln…there’s a little trivia for you. I had a great birthday weekend! Friday my friend Elizabeth and I went to see The… View Post
Birthday Weekend
I had a GREAT birthday weekend!! Friday was my older sisters birthday and we had a surprise party at a the Bayou Bistro and it was yummy!!!Then Saturday was my birthday and I spent the day at my parents house. We went to the Flying Burger for lunch then ate seafood for dinner. Finally my niece’s birthday was Sunday and… View Post
Weekend Recap
This has been one of the best weekends I have had in a while! Got to see a friend, got to see my family, and got a ton of things accomplished that I have been putting off for long time! I love productive weekends! So here is a little weekend recap for you!! So Friday started off with me waking… View Post