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Hello November! I hope you will treat me better than October did! Don’t get me wrong, October was a fine month, some parts of it were even amazing but I have spent more time and money than I ever cared to at the Apple Store. Let me take you back to the very beginning of all this madness aka the great laptop debacle of 2017…
…picture it. Little Rock Arkansas. Spring of 2014. I had finally saved up enough money to purchase my dream laptop, an Apple MacBook Pro. I was ecstatic with this purchase even though I had never even used a MacBook before. Little did I know that this computer would change my outlook on the world of technology. Or something like that. HA!
Here I am super pumped about my purchase…
…God Bless how far iPhone cameras have come since then. And also that hair? Those shades? Clearly not my best look. But nonetheless I was pumped about that purchase.
That MacBook Pro has been by my side every day for the past 5 years. It has traveled with me all over the United States, it survived going back to school with me and helped me earn my second Bachelor’s degree, it has held every single photo I have taken on my iPhone for the past 5 years and it has never caused me any grief. It was literally the most perfect computer. Until it wasn’t.
At the beginning go October 2017 I noticed that it started running a little slower than normal. In the middle of the night one night when I was working on a blog post it just suddenly froze up and wouldn’t do a thing. So I did the only thing I knew to do. I turned it off and tried to do a hard reboot. Unfortunately all that got me was the gray/white screen of death.
After momentarily freaking out I made myself go to sleep (this was all happening at 4am) and woke up early the next afternoon so I could call the Apple Care line before I had to go to work that night. They sweetest lady tried to help me fix it over the phone but unfortunately it couldn’t be fixed over the phone and I had to take my baby in to the Apple Store.
Luckily there is an Apple Store in Little Rock and I was able to get an appointment at the Genius Bar that same day. I took my baby (aka The Beast) in, they diagnosed her with a messed up cable, kept her overnight and fixed her up and then I picked her up the next day…and it only cost around $100 to fix!! WHEW!!
All was fine until last week when all HELL broke loose. All of a sudden the bottom of The Beast started getting super hot, the battery was driving like crazy and it started getting super slow again. Not to the point of freezing but almost. So I called the Apple Store, set up another appointment with the Genius Bar and took The Beast in that same day. At this point I was mad, I was upset, I was super behind on a LOT of blog stuff (including some sponsored stuff I needed to finish up and get published) and just fed up with the whole mess.
So I took The Beast in and they ran all sorts of diagnostic tests on her right there and then and everything came back clean. WTF??? Luckily she was starting to heat up and act bad so they knew something was wrong and decided to keep her for further testing. At that point in time they weren’t sure when I would be getting her back and the estimated time was a week at best.
As much as I hated to do it I ultimately decided to leave The Beast with the pros at the Genius Bar but then that left me with another dilemma because I didn’t have a backup computer at home. You see, up until August I still had my old desktop computer sitting in a closet as my “backup computer” in case I ever needed and so far in the five years since I have owned my MacBook Pro I hadn’t needed it so when I was cleaning out my house I got rid of it. So of course since I had just gotten rid of ti I needed it. Perfect time, right? Ugh.
Since I had blog work that needed to get done and not doing it was unacceptable to me I did the only thing I could do at the time. I purchased a new laptop.
Fortunately for me I had the funds to do it, it will be a tax write off and now I will always have a “backup computer”.
Since The Beast was out of commission and I was kind of mad at her about the whole deal I figured this time around I would go with a MacBook Air. It’s cheaper, lighter, the battery lasts longer and it was made for travel. I have officially dubbed her, The Beauty. And a beauty she most certainly is!!
I love how fast my new MacBook Air is! It’s way faster than The Beast ever was and everything is updated and there’s just something about having a new laptop. It makes me want to get on it and work. HA!! So needless to say I have gotten a lot more blogging done since I have had Beauty.
I got my MacBook Pro back about a week after I took her in. Apparently the battery is shot and it will cost around $130 to fix. If she stays plugged in all the time she works just fine but traveling with her is pretty much impossible now. So Beast will be retired to my house/office only and Beauty will stay in my bag and travel with me. I’m not too mad about it.
Some pros of having two laptops is that I have a backup if something like this ever happens again! Plus I can seamlessly work between the two computers and even my iPhone thanks to AirDrop!
And that, my friends is the great laptop debacle os 2017. Not necessarily something I would ever like to do again because all those trips to the Apple Store got expensive but I’m glad the outcome was a good one. And the moral of this story is alway have a backup computer/laptop!!
Do you have any laptop horror stories??
Do you have an Apple laptop??
Alli Smith says
My first MacBook Pro was a lemon! It crashed 4 times during the first year I owned it and I kept losing photos, etc because I’m horrible about backing stuff up. Finally, they had to ship it off to replace the hard drive, so I bought a new one and it’s been a dream! After replacing the hard drive in the other one, it crashed again and it’s dead to me now. :) I spent many days in 2016 at the Genius Bar. Fortunately, I didn’t have to pay anything.
robin rue says
I can’t make the switch. I am a windows girl for life. They say you can’t teach an old girl new tricks, and I am happy where I am comfortable :)
candy says
I love my mac book pro and after getting use to some of the features wouldn’t trade it for the world. It goes everywhere with me when I travel. After windows I am sold on the mac book pro.
Amber Myers says
Oh no, this scares me. I have a MacBook and it’s 5 years old now. I hope it doesn’t die on me. I’d cry! I don’t have a backup either.
Karen Dawkins says
Mine is going through the same thing. They said there’s nothing wrong, but I think I need a new battery too. Glad (maybe) I’m not the only one — but I wouldn’t wish Apple computer issues on anyone. AND…. my iPhone 6S airdrop doesn’t work — so I’m sad about that. Enjoy your new beauty!
GiGi Eats says
Girl, I am currently on a laptop I think I got um…. Like Christmas 2013 I think? It’s actually really not bad but I have almost no memory at this point (I edit a lot of videos on this computer)… And things are saved in weird folders that I can’t seem to find. My husband keeps saying I need to get a new computer too but honestly, I have a very close attachment to this baby! LOL. This laptop has been great but my FIRST EVER MAC BOOK PRO… The one I had in college – ah shit, that thing was a LEMON so I have LOADSSSSS of horror stories – and of course it was all during COLLEGE, the most stressful time in my life thus far! LOL!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy says
Not having a working computer is a phobia for most bloggers, I would guess lol! It definitely scares me. I would love to get a new mac book air!
Jeanette says
I have a MacBook Pro and I love it. Mine is probably as old as yours so I’m praying that it lasts longer because the money I had saved for a computer had to go toward surgery. I will cry when this computer dies lol!
Tomi C says
My kid was using my fave laptop when he was out of school for a month after he broke his ankle. Mine was faster than his. One day he put my laptop on the floor, got up out of a chair and smashed his crutch right onto my laptop. He called me at work to apologize. Laptop beyond repair. Laptop replaced but it’s not the same.
Kita Bryant says
I’ve been in that position where my computer went down but I needed another one to get work finished in the process. It feels so strange to buy a new computer after using the same one for so long.
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh says
I’ve never been a fan of Apple…high prices, strange layout, weird Safari…should I go on? Lol. Anyway…I did have laptop problems a few years ago, and I vowed that as soon as she was fixed, and I was able to buy, I was getting a desktop again. I am so happy I made that choice. No, I may not be able to travel all over with it, but it’s super high tech, awesome, and is totally perfect for me.
rosemary palmer says
I will probably be getting a new laptop next year and have thought about a MAC but just don’t know if I want to learn it. Too old and lazy.
Liz Mays says
Ah! It’s terrible when a computer finally starts having problems. It’s good that you’ll potentially have a backup though.
Claudia Krusch says
I need to upgrade my laptop soon. I would love to get a MacBook Air. It has all the features I love and more.
Natalie says
I fear that my Macbook will give up at the worst time! I get anxious just thinking about it. Hope you are enjoying your new upgrade!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I had a MacBook Pro for many years, I’d probably still be using it today had my oldest son not accidentally broken it. I’d love a new one.
Dana Peller says
Sorry to hear about the laptop, but at least $130 for a new battery isn’t that bad. I know people who need to buy a whole new Macbook.
Ricci says
I actually did buy a new laptop :)
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
I don’t think I can make the switch. I’m sticking with Windows for now…scared to get out of my comfort zone and try it out.
Dogvills says
I am technologically challenged at times and it scares me to switch to a Mac. My son is having horror stories with his laptop. He said he might just sell it and get a new one instead.