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Chi Air curling ironI don’t know about you but I love a good blowout as much as the next girl, however I don’t get them very often because they can get kind of expensive. I wish I was one of those fancy hair people who has mastered the art of styling my hair with a round brush so I could do my own blowouts at home but unfortunately I haven’t. I don’t know how people do that, my arms get too tired! HA!!
So while I may not have mastered the art of an at home blowout I have mastered the art of the fake blowout. HA! What is a fake blowout you ask? Good question. Today I am going to spill my secret to faking a blowout at home without using a round brush at all!! Here we go…
First things first you need to prep your hair! In the past I have used all sorts of shampoos and conditioners from extremely high-end salon products to super cheap drugstore products and one brand I keep going back to is Herbal Essences. This is NOT a sponsored post in any way, shape, or form I just really love their products and always have. I have super fine wavy hair but I have a lot of it. I have used the Body Envy Shampoo and Color Me Happy Conditioner for years now and this combination works best for me. When the new line came out a few weeks ago I tried a couple of the new items and so far my fave combo is the Arabica Coffee Bean Volumizing Shampoo and the Argan Oil of Morocco Repair Conditioner.
I think I love Herbal Essence products because they really moisturize my hair without leaving it heavy feeling plus they smell amazing!! But use whatever shampoo/conditioner combo work best for you!!
After my hair is washed and conditioned I put it up in a Turbie Twist instead of a regular towel to dry a little. I prefer the Turbie Twist (or any microfiber towel) to a regular towel because it’s much gentler on my hair and really soaks up the water.
When it’s not soaking wet anymore I take it out of the Turbie Twist and spray the roots with Living Proof’s Blowout Spray and really work it in with my fingers. Then I spray the ends with It’s a 10 Leave in Lite.
I have been obsessed with Living Proof’s Blowout Spray for over a year now!! It gives great heat protection and really does make my hair dry faster. I used to use the regular It’s a 10 but then it got really heavy on my hair so I switched to the lite version. I really like it and it makes my hair super soft.
Next I comb it through with a wide tooth comb (NEVER brush your hair with a brush or fine tooth comb when it’s wet) and then blow it dry with a paddle brush. Now I don’t know about you but when I dry my hair I dry it upside down…that way the root swill get some extra volume and goodness know I can use all the volume I can get!!
After it’s dry I let it sit for a few minutes to cool down and then I section it off into three sections. One at the crown of my head and two on either side of my face. This just helps me work through all of my hair because like I mentioned earlier, I have a TON of hair. HA!!
And then I get to work!! I grab a pretty good section of hair and use my regular Chi Air straightener and straighten the top half of the section. Then I use my Chi Air curling iron (1 inch barrel) to curl the bottom half. When I use the straightener I make sure and pull up from the root to get a little more volume on it, if not my hair hangs flat to my head, ugh. When I curl it I always curl away from my face, that looks more natural.
When I finish an entire section of hair (of the three I originally divided it into) I spray it down with my Bed Head Masterpiece hairspray. I don’t spray each section individually because that would just be too much for me. When I am finished with my whole head I make sure to spray the roots really good with my Living Proof Dry Volume Blast. All that does is just the roots a little texture and helps with volume. Have I mentioned that I like volume?? LOL!!
After that I just pull all of the hair away from my face with a big clip and do my make up or whatever and when all the hair has cooled down I unclip it and run my fingers through it to separate everything and loosen up those curls. I don’t like it to be super curly when I’m finished, I’m more of a loose curls kind of girl.
The best part of this entire ‘do is that I can make it last a few days!! When I am ready to go to bed I just spray a little more Living Proof Dry Volume Blast on it, pull the whole mess into a loose bun on top of my head and go to bed. The next morning I just use my wide tooth comb to brush through it all, straighten the top where my ponytail holder left indentions and recurl anything that needs to be recurled (usually only the pieces closest to my face) and that’s that! As long as my hair doesn’t look too greasy I can make this last 4-5 days!! And that, ladies and gents, is why I LOVE IT!! HA!!!
And that, ladies and gents, is how I fake a blowout!
Your hair is gorgeous! I have two girls and I really need to step up my game with the hair styling! I haven’t used any of these products but they look like great tools.
Herbal Essences are one of my favorite shampoos. Sweet fragrances that smells so good. You have a gorgeous hair!
Nice! Your hair looks great. I will definitely be giving this a try. I LOVE a good blowout.
Wow your hair looks gorgeous! I wish he would cooperate like that. I may have to take a class with you just to learn how to take care of my hair LOL.
Great post, but I just had to laugh at the title and the first few sentences about loving a blowout. The first thing I thought of were diapers and blowouts that happen in them and I was thinking, I do not in anyway like a blowout! LOL!!! I need some new shampoo, thanks for the suggestions.
OH my, your hair looks stunning and so healthy. I need to check out some of these products for myself and my daughters.
Wow! Your hair looks absolutely incredible and so healthy. It has so much volume. I do not usually get a blow out either because those can be pretty costly, but I do like to feel the wind blowing through my fresh hair. <3
You have gorgeous hair so I’m going to have to try the products you mentioned and your method! I hate nothing more than blow drying my hair. Seriously, if only I could afford to go to the dry bar everyday. *sigh*
OK now I need to give it this a try, how good does your hair look mines in massive need of some TLC.
Great ideas for the blowout. Your hair looks great!
Whew! I am exhausted just reading about what you do to your hair! I just wash mine and go.
Great products! I do not see why it is fake though sounds to me like you do a great job!
Your hair is gorgeous! I have never tried a blowout, but I think I might have to now.
Your hair looks awesome. I love Herbal Essences, I’ve been using their products for years. I am going to try your tips.
Bloody hell, I was thinking something else when I saw the title of the post ‘Fake Blowout’ – thought it was going to be something seedy until the photos of make up products came up. :D As am ale I wouldnt use these products but got my partner looking at this and her eyes are open. Great write up :)
I have to try these products, your hair is pretty gorgeous! It’s official spring so I need to style my hair..
I totally love what you are using for your hair, especially your tools. I would love to try these products.
I found this post to be very useful for my daughter. She is always coming up with a new hair style and always complains about the way it looks. I am forwarding this one to her. I am glad I came across it.
This looks so gorgeous and really easy to do. I love going to get blowouts, but this moma can’t go as much as she wants to.
You have a gorgeous hair. I sometimes like my hair wavy but for some reason, I can’t do it the way I want to.
I would love to be able to do that at home. Who has the time or money to go somewhere for a blowout. You look great and those products seemed like a big help.
I love this look. My hair is super long and usually doesn’t hold curl very well. I also don’t care for my hair being in my face. It would be fun to try this technique and see if I like it.
You look fabulous! If only I had the patience to blow out my hair every day. I love they way my hair looks when I do.
Love those curls! I have straight hair and I’ve been wanting to learn how to curl it using a curling iron. Thanks for the tips!
For me it is soap, rinse and sometimes comb. The easy hairstyling life of a guy with short hair.
I used to love getting blow outs! I am so glad that you have shown how to achieve this look at home. Gonna have to give it a go!