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Yay for Friday!! This week has been a rough one but I managed through and now it’s time to celebrate!!
ONE. My sweet Sophie puppy got a hair cut last week and she is back to her usual, adorable self! She was due for a cut right before Christmas but I couldn’t get her in and then her appointment right after was cancelled because her groomer got the flu! But now she’s super cute again!!
TWO. I am finally over my RSV. That was seriously the worst thing ever! I have had people tell me “It’s just a nasty cold, you’re fine.” But until you cough so much your whole body aches and you puke then no, you don’t understand. But I’m glad to be over that mess and get back to the gym!! Never thought I would say that…
THREE. I went to the dentist earlier this week to get some dental work done (more on that next week) because I am preparing for…INVISALIGN!! I am sooooo super excited about this and can’t wait to share more with you!!
FOUR. School. What can I say about school? Well I’m about a week behind so far because I was sick and then knocked out after minor dental surgery so now I need to hustle up and get to work. Actually I should probably be working on school stuff rather than even doing this blog post. OOPS…priorities.
FIVE. I am feeling like this sweet blog of mine needs a makeover. I have been doing a little here and there but Im feeling like a whole new style. Where are my WordPress designers at?? Help a sister out!!
How was your week?? I hope it was better than mine!!
Looking forward to your blog makeover! And the pup is adorable with the new do! RSV – yuck – glad you’re feeling better. Wish Invisalign would have been around back in the day when I was a metal mouth. :) Have a great weekend!
Loving all these Five Friday posts I’m finding. May have to try this out myself!!
Your little pup is sooo cute!!!
Happy Fri-yay!!
So glad you’re over RSV and feeling better. Your puppy is adorable. All the best with the blog makeover :)
My week has been super busy because I’m moving. I can’t wait until it is over! I can’t wait to read what you think about Invisalign because my youngest daughter needs braces. Have a great weekend!
Sophie is looking so cute with herself all groomed up again. *she’s always cute though*
I am so glad you are starting to feel better. Yucky things anyway.
I need a new design too, more “‘me” and not so blah feeling.