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I can’t believe this year and this list of goals is almost up!! Oh my how time does fly…
It’s already time for another…
As always you can find my original post HERE and I will only be updating the things I have accomplished. Here we go…
3. Do ten random acts of kindness. (1/10) I feel like suck a slacker on this goal. I feel like i could be doing more RAOK and will definitely pt more effort into it. Here is the one that I have done so far…Smiling it Forward.
5. Read 50 books. (67/50) As you can tell I am still stuck on the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. LOVE it. I also started the Confessions series by JP as audiobooks. I did a lot of driving this month so it was warranted. I also listened to Mary kay Andrews happy Never After. I love her books, they are good southern mysteries. And I finally finish Ally Condie’s Matched series with Reached. I am embarrassed to say that that book has been sitting on my nightstand for a couple months now. OOPS!!
22. See 25 movies. (18/25) There are solo many movies out that I want to see right now!! I only saw three this month but plan on seeing more in Jan!! Last month I saw Dallas Buyer’s Club with Rebekah. It wasn’t what I thought it would be but it was very informative. I also saw the second Hobbit movie and it was soooo good!! LAst but not least I saw Saving Mr. Banks. Confession: This movie made me SOB. It was sooooo good!!! and makes me want to re-watch Mary Poppins. And go to Disney World.
23. See five live shows. (2/5) I saw Beauty and the Beast last month. I will admit that it is one of my very favorite shows and this was my second time to see it. It didn’t disappoint and I loved it!!
29. Pay of my credit cards. I haven’t paid them all off but I did pay one off and will have another by then end of January! Progress people…it’s a slow thing.
That’s all I got accomplished this month. It didn’t seem like much when I was initially writing this post but now that I look back I think I did pretty good!
Progress is always good — keep moving forward.