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Eleven years ago today I was a freshman in college. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the middle of taking my first College Algebra test and the woman who was moderating the test screamed. She then told us all to stop the test, turn it in uncompleted, and go home. I was super confused but I did as she said.
When I got to my car my cousin called me and told me about the first plane hitting the first tower. I commuted to school that year and it was only a 20 minute drive home. I stayed on the phone with her the whole drive home and she told me when the second plane hit. She lived next door to me and when I got home I went to her house and we watched the whole thing together until my Dad and little brother and sister got home. Crazy.
I always think it’s interesting to ask older people where they were when JFK was shot, or where they were when we first landed on the moon but now I have my own story. I would rather not. It’s a shame that some people can have so much hatred towards someone else (or another country).
God Bless America.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. I can even tell you what I ate for dinner. It’s crazy how we remember things like that, but may not be able to remember the good things as well. It’s sad that it takes something like that to bring our country together and sadly I think we are drifting farther and farther apart now.
Enough of the sad talk :) Hope the wreaths are coming good! Have you figured out a button yet so we can get you on my blog? Offer still stands to make you one if you need me to!
I have a button in the making right now!! Should be up later today or tomorrow!! I’m excited!!