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I hate snow. For real hate it. Hate driving in it. Hate walking/falling in it. Hate the coldness of it. Hate the way other people drive in it. Just pretty much hate everything about it. That said, it snowed 12 inches today and of course I had to drive to work in it. Yuck! I did good until I pulled in the hospital parking deck then my Tahoe started sliding. I made it though. I even brought clothes so I can just sleep here tomorrow instead of risking my life again in it tomorrow.
Enough about snow. On to better things! So in my last post I mentioned going to look at a house, while I was there the guy who showed it to me gave me the card of a lady who works at a mortgage company and so for fun I called her and filled out some paper work to see if I even qualified to buy a house and guess what?! I did!!! I get to buy a house!!!! I am sooooo excited!!! I’m going to be a homeowner!!! And I can decorate in it any way I like!! And get a dog!!! This is going to be so cool! I’m going to talk to the man in the subdivision again and get some more information because that is the way I am leaning right now. That way I can pick my floor plan and customize it the way I want!
On another good note, I weighed in on Monday and my weight stayed the same. I mean I guess it’s good because I didn’t gain but I would have liked to have lost at least a pound. Oh well…I guess I will start working out this week or next and hopefully it will fall off faster!
This weekend is my birthday!!!! Also my sisters and my nieces…lol! Apparently we like February birthdays :) Friday is my sisters birthday and she will be 30 so we are doing a surprise party for her at a Cajun restaurant in town…LOVE Cajun food!! And I got a new shirt for the occasion…I will take a ton of pics! My birthday is Saturday and I don’t have anything planned yet…Sunday we are celebrating my nieces birthday (hers is later in the week) and she is having a Tinkerbell party complete with a 3D Tinkerbell cake and pink homemade ice cream! Should be a fun weekend!
Well, I better get back to work…hope everyone has a super fabulous weekend and stay safe if you have to get out on the roads!!!
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