Well hello there! If you are reading this you probably thought I forgot about this old blog of mine but in reality I just haven’t felt very creative lately. And by lately I really mean the past couple of years…oops! What can I say, it happens! And apparently it takes a literal snow storm to make me want to break… View Post
Snow Puppy
As much as I have HATED the snow and ice my Sophie puppy absolutely LOVED it! Hope you are all having a fabulous Thursday!
Snow Snow Go Away!
I hate snow. For real hate it. Hate driving in it. Hate walking/falling in it. Hate the coldness of it. Hate the way other people drive in it. Just pretty much hate everything about it. That said, it snowed 12 inches today and of course I had to drive to work in it. Yuck! I did good until I pulled… View Post