Happy Tuesday to you!! I planned on this post going live yesterday but I was honestly so dang tired from the weekend I needed a break!! HA!! So my weekend recap is coming at you on a Tuesday and I’m not really mad about that. One of my nieces came to stay with me this past weekend and my goal… View Post
Magic Springs in the Rain
Ever since I bought my house (six years ago…where has the time gone??!!!) I have also bought a season pass to Magic Springs, a local theme and water park that’s not too far from my house. I usually go at least once a week and so far this year I have only been once and I got rained on…oops!! In all… View Post
I’ve Got The Magic…{Magic Springs}
Earlier this week my sister, bro-in-law, and niece came up for the day to go to Magic Springs. Correction: we actually went to the water park inside Magic Springs called Crystal Falls. I have a season pass and have been trying to get them to go with me all summer. Needless to say that after that one time going with me… View Post
28. These are the number of hours I wish were in a day. Seriously. I need about 4 more hours in a day so I can get everything I need accomplished!! I know I’m out of school now and I should have tons os extra time on my hands but I just don’t! I feel like my days are flying by and… View Post