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Tap, tap, tap…is this thing on??
I can’t believe it’s been almost two months since my last blog post! I have gone a few days or weeks without blogging in the past but I usually get back to it pretty quickly. I have been in the biggest funk lately and slowly, but surely, I am digging my way out of it.
A lot has happened since the last time I wrote a blog post so today I thought I would catch you up on my life and what I’ve been up to on my blog hiatus…
At the beginning of September I chopped my hair off! I can’t even begin to tell you how good that felt! It’s like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders, literally. The ends were all dead and I was doing nothing but wearing it up so I knew it was time. A lot of people are afraid to cut their hair but I say why not? It’s just hair and it grows back!

And speaking of hair and chopping it off I also branched out and tried a new shampoo and conditioner and I absolutely loved it! If you know me at all of have been following this blog for any length of time then you know I have been using Herbal Essences shampoos and conditioners for years because they were the only ones that didn’t make my hair feel like hay.

When R+Co gifted me their Television Perfect Hair shampoo and conditioner (and styling products) I was wary of them but I tried them and to my surprise I actually LOVED them! My hair is super soft after using them and actually feels healthier?! I’ve been back to washing my hair every day again (or at least on the days I work out, which is at least 4-5x a week) and I love that these products don’t strip my hair and they don’t make it feel weird from so much washing and drying and styling!
Speaking of working out yes, I am still LOVING Orange Theory. I am excited to say that for the first time in my adult life I have actually found a workout that I look forward to going to every day! I never thought I would be one of “those people” that looks forward to working out but here I am…loving it, doing it, and telling everyone I know about it!
In fact, I recently took my 75th class!! I feel like I need to do a post all about Orange Theory so I won’t bore you with any more details on this post but if you have any questions about it feel free to email me, or just wait for the full blog post!!

Back to the life update…I was recently diagnosed with adult onset asthma. Ironically, I am a Respiratory Therapist so this diagnosis came as a complete surprise and also just made me laugh. A Respiratory Therapist who didn’t know she had asthma?? I swear this stuff only happens to me y’all.
As a little backstory for you I have always had super bad seasonal allergies and even did allergy testing a few years ago. That just said I was allergic to every tree, weed, grass, pollen and pretty much everything else outside. NO big deal, right? Right. So pretty much every summer when I am outside a lot my allergies flare up and I feel awful but I thought it was just allergies so it was no big deal. Well, then I started working out a LOT and my symptoms just got worse and after hacking like a 3 pack-per-day smoker and just feeling like death warmed over for three months I finally went to the doctor and said FIX IT.
She said asthma, I laughed and told her you can’t formally diagnose asthma without a Pulmonary Function Test so we did that and here I am with a formal diagnosis of adult onset asthma. Like I said, only me y’all.

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately…hair stuff, working out, and trying to breathe. Oh, and watching ALL of the things on Netflix. And that’s pretty much sums up my life lately. I honestly do love and miss blogging and I hope to get back into the swing of things soon, I have soooo many book reviews to share with you!!
I hope you have an amazing week!!
Welcome back!!! I’ve been missing your posts; altho I do follow you on IG so I do “see” what you’ve been doing ;) I really miss your product reviews!!!! :)
Thanks! I promise to get back to reviews soon, I have so many things to blog about! LOL!