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Today is my birthday! I turn 36 today and you know what? I’m not even mad about it. My Mom always said 36 was the best year ever and I am looking forward to it! I can’t wait to see what this year brings but until then I am going to share with you thirty six life lessons I have learned in the past 36 years. Enjoy…
ONE. Your parents were right. About everything.
TWO. Righty tighty, lefty loosy.
THREE. Everyone is their own kind of weird.
FOUR. Always wear a nude colored bra under white shirts.
FIVE. You’re not going to be good at everything and that’s OK.
SIX. Red lipstick is always appropriate.
SEVEN. Ranch dressing is good on most everything.
EIGHT. You are not defined by the amount of likes you get on an Instagram photo or how many Facebook friends you have.
NINE. The number on the scale is just that – a number.
TEN. Stay on top of your credit score.
ELEVEN. Read the book before you see the movie, it’s usually so much better!
TWELVE. Always keep your passport up to date.
THIRTEEN. Relationships change and it’s ok to move on from those that don’t bring you joy….romantic relationships and friendships.
FOURTEEN. Love what you do and it will never feel like a job.
FIFTEEN. Don’t forget to take your vitamins.
SIXTEEN. Do everything in moderation…eat that cupcake, drink that wine, go to the gym, eat your veggies, etc.
SEVENTEEN. Less is usually more.
EIGHTEEN. Take care of your SKIN!! You only get one chance to do that right!
NINETEEN. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about anything!
TWENTY. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
TWENTY ONE. If you like something about someone you should tell them. A compliment, no matter how big or small, goes a long way!
TWENTY TWO. Don’t be afraid to make a drastic hair change. It’s only hair and it will grow back.
TWENTY THREE. Take yourself on a solo road trip, it’s very freeing!
TWENTY FOUR. Wear sunscreen. Even if it’s cloudy or rainy outside.
TWENTY FIVE. Not everyone will like you and that’s OK, there will be plenty of people that will.
TWENTY SIX. Don’t change yourself for anyone or anything. There is only one person who can be you and you are doing an AMAZING job at it.
TWENTY SEVEN. Learn how to accept a compliment.
TWENTY EIGHT. Learn to say NO.
TWENTY NINE. Comparison is the thief of joy.
THIRTY. Splurge on that pair of shoes…YOLO!
THIRTY ONE. Live within your means.
THIRTY TWO. Do something every day that scares you.
THIRTY THREE. Stand up for what you believe in.
THIRTY FOUR. You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
THIRTY FIVE. Stop apologizing for everything.
Julie Connelly says
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope you are able to enjoy your day & maybe even do something fun :) I 100% agree w/ all 36 of your lessons!!!!!!
Ricci says
Awwww…thank you!!
Amber Myers says
These are some great lessons! I have learned a lot of these too. Especially the saying no thing. And while I don’t splurge on shoes, I do splurge on going to Disney!
Ricci says
Thank you!!
candy says
This was fun to ready about not being afraid to do something last the different ages of our lives. I can relate to many of these
Alli Smith says
I love this! And I agree with every lesson you’ve learned. I mean, come on, wear that nude bra under that white shirt! Really do love this!
Ricci says
Nude under white is so important!! LOL!!
Kimberly K Croisant says
First, Happy Birthday. Second, looks like your parents have done a great job in raising you!! Keep it up and keep up this list and do it again in 10 years!
Ricci says
Thank you so much for saying that!!
Marcie W. says
Hooray for Aquarius season! I just turned 36 last week and I agree with every single one of these lessons! I hope you have an amazing birthday.
Ricci says
Happy Belated Birthday to you!!
Barbies Beauty Bits says
Those are some great tips, I have some of the same. Love the “Love what you do and it will never feel like a job.” This is so true, while I know it is easier said than done, more people need to take this approach!
Ricci says
Christine Combs says
Happy Birthday, beautiful! Love this list!!!
Ricci says
Thank you sweet friend!!
GiGi Eats says
I need to know more about this BISCUIT you’re risking “it” for! LOL!!
Ricci says
HAHAHA!!! Technically it means that you have to risk something to reap the reward but it can be used for other things too… ;)
Jenn@Engineermommy says
I really enjoyed reading this! I agree with most of the things you’ve learned over the years!
Glenda Cates says
This is a great list and I found some things I need to work on. In the meantime Happy Birthday to you. May this be the best year ever for you.
Ricci says
Thank you!!
Bethany Stout says
Wow these are amazing, you really said a lot with this post. I just recently had a birthday too turning 39. I should do this for next year for sure.
Ricci says
39?? Get it girl!!
Pam says
These are all great life lessons. It’s important to consider what you have learned over the years.
Ricci says
I think so too! LOL!
Autumn (Biscotti and a PhD) says
Happy birthday!!! It’s kind of funny how we end up embracing so many of these rules in our thirties. People seem to fear 30, but it’s fabulous! I hope you have the best year yet!!
Ricci says
Thank you!
Ashley says
I had to laugh. I still say righty tight lefty loosey !!
Ricci says
I say it every time I have to tighten anything!! HA
Heather says
I wish I had this list when I was a kid. I learned so many of the same things but way too late.
Ricci says
Kate Findley says
This was a fun read and I relate to many of them. Overall, I do enjoy my thirties much more than my twenties. Sure, I had some fun times in my twenties, but I don’t miss the insecurities (about really dumb things) at all! And I certainly don’t miss being a teen lol. In regards to number One on your list, although I still don’t see eye to eye with my parents about everything, I do agree with them about many things I thought I never would!
Ricci says
SAME!! I thought life couldn’t get any better than when I was in my 20’s but I was soooo wrong! LOL!
Beth says
Happy Birthday! Those are great lessons for all of us. If only we could convince our kids about the first one before they hit 30!
Ricci says
I know right…I wished I had taken their advice instead of thinking I knew everything. Ughhhh…
Divya says
Happy Birthday! These are such fun yet insightful pointers to keep in mind at any age and stage of life :) Thanks for sharing!
Ricci says
Gladys Nava says
Wow! You have great lists that you’ve learned. Happy Birthday to you! I love reading your post..
Ricci says
Thank you!
Carolyn says
Happy Birthday! These are all really great lessons to learn, no matter the age. Thanks for sharing!
Ricci says
Thank you!
Chubskulit Rose says
Everyone should learn from you about living within your means. A lot of us live beyond what we can afford most of the times.
Ricci says
I’m still preaching to myself about that one…oops!
Terri Steffes says
Such a fun post! Happy 36! I was in such a good place in my life at 36! It is fun to look back and think of all the blessings I have had! Your list made me smile, and I am wearing red lipstick, just because! Happy Birthday!!
Ricci says
Thank you sweet friend! And YAS to the red lipstick!
Kasey Ma says
happy birthday and i absolutely love this. thanks for sharing with us!
Ricci says
Thank you!
Denay DeGuzman says
What a wonderful list of things learned over the years! Some of my favorite include keeping your passport up to date, and wearing nude-colored bras underneath white shirts! Love these.
Ricci says
Thanks! I actually just got a passport a few years ago but I’ve heard it’s a hassle to keep it up to date and not to wait until the last minute!
Ellen | ZyraKuma says
Happy Birthday! I agree with the nude colour bra under white shirt. Lol had a terrible experience with that in the past.
Ricci says
Thanks girl! You have no idea how many people still wear white bras under white shirts…it’s so distracting!
Micah @ Unabashedly Me says
Thirty-six was pretty great for me. That’s when I met Sean. :)
Ricci says
Ooooohhhh…now that gives me hope! LOL!
Bohemian Babushka says
Babushka doesn’t recall what she did on her 36th year, but she sure knows all on your lista is BUENISIMO! Gonna share with The Trio, and have them memorize #1. jehe Have a very Feliz Cumples.