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Last night I went to see Les Miserables at the Robinson Center in Little Rock!! I bought the ticket a couple of months ago and the show came at the perfect time because I have had a weird couple of weeks. Ugh. So many thing shave gone wrong but this show was not one of them. This show was perfection from beginning to end starting with seeing the Robinson being all decked out for Christmas! I loved all of the Christmas trees and seeing the Nutcrackers at the entrance, it was so festive!! (I wish I had gotten a good picture of the building but they all turned out fuzzy…ugh.)
I have seen the Les Miserables movie a few times so I thought I was prepared for the show but seeing it live was just so. much. better. I laughed, I sang, I cried, I was enraptured throughout the whole thing. It was simply stunning! I am so glad the Robinson is back open and we are getting such good shows now!!
I had seating in the first row Grand Tier and I sat in the middle of the row so I had a fantastic view of the stage. It was seriously one of the best shows I have ever seen.
I am totally going to remember that seat for the next time I go to the Robinson because that may just be my new favorite seat in the house!
If you live in Little Rock and you love musicals I highly suggest you go see Les Miserables while it is in town! It runs through Sunday night! I promise you won’t be disappointed. Treat yo’ self!!
To check out other musicals I have seen and blogged about click here!
Do you love musicals??
Have you seen Les Miserables??
Have you been to the Robinson Center in Little Rock??
I love Les Miserables. It’s one of the best musicals of all time. OF ALL TIME! When they nail it, it can move you.
I have never seen a musical that has touched me as much as Les Miserables. There’s just something about it that reaches right down into your soul.
I used to love to go to the theater. My Mother and I used to go to all the operas in Kansas City and they were wonderful. Since she has passed my desire to go to the opera or theater is gone.
I have heard nothing but positive reviews of this show. I think I need to go see it for myself the next time it tours to Detroit.
Dang your seats really were epic! I would love to see Les Miserables again! I also would love to have the playbill cover as art on my wall!
Les Miserables has a special place in my heart. A friend of mine played Jean ValJean on Broadway recently for over a year.
I’ve heard of e Les Miserables but I’ve never seen it. I love a appreciate a live show. It’s such an upclose and personal type of deal.
Wow! i can only imagine how wonderful this was to see live. I loved the movie, it is the most captivating story.
I’ve never had a chance to watch a musical show. I’ve heard so many good things about Les Miserables and I hope I could watch it in the future.
Les Mis is such an amazing production. I saw it years ago and still remember it so clearly. (btw, I’m so envious that you live in Arkansas. I lived there for four years while going to U of A and my sister and mom still live there. Beautiful place!)
I would love to see this with my husband. He loves going to plays so it would be a great Christmas present too. Ill have to see if it is showing here.
Les Mis is coming here in April. It’s one of the possible add-ons for our season ticket package, and I so want to go. One of my favorite Broadway actors, Matt Shingledecker, is in it. I don’t know if we’ll be able to afford it though, with the wedding and all, and my fiance isn’t all that stoked about a three-hour show. :-/
Honestly it didn’t feel like 3 hours but then again, I could watch musicals all day long! HA! I really hope you get to go, it’s amazing!!
This is such a classic show and always will be . I remember it being very popular when I was a child .I would love to see it again as an adult now!
I’ve been to one play at the Robinson Center, but that was back when my husband and I were dating. I would love to go back and see something with my kiddos.
Les Miserables is such a classic show! How lovely that this show is traveling so more people can enjoy it!
The live musical/play is just so much better! It’s awesome that you got the chance to watch it and I’m sure it’s unforgettable. It will always be one of my favorites!
Les Miserables for me is still the best. That is a nice experience! Hope there will be a next time.