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Dear High School Graduate,
First of all congratulations!! Graduating high school is a huge milestone and I am so proud of you!! I know you may be sad right now thinking about going away to college or starting a new job but don’t be! The world is your oyster and you literally have the world at your fingertips right now. You can do anything you set your mind to. Now let’s get to the good stuff…
So you want to go to college? Good for you! College will be so much better than high school in every way possible. Trust me on this.
You are going to meet so many different people and you will really find your “squad”. Just remember that most of the friends you make in college will be your friends for life so pick good ones!
Don’t have a clue what you want to major in? That’s ok!!! Don’t declare one at first and get those basics out of the way. And when you do declare one don’t be afraid to change it a couple times. That’s what college is for, exploring your options!
If you get the chance to travel abroad for a semester DO IT. You may never get that chance again.
Don’t sign up for 8am classes. You will oversleep and you will skip this class. Just don’t do it.
Live in the dorms for at least a year even if you live close to the college you are attending. This will be a life changing experience.
Be weird. Everyone is weird in their own way. Don’t be afraid to let your freak flag fly.
Learn how to do your own laundry. This includes sheets. On this same note, change your sheets at least once a week.
Learn at least one kick ass microwave recipe.
Always remember “righty tight, lefty loosey”.
Personal hygiene is a must.
Join every club and activity until you find your “thing”. Trust me when I say it’s out there. You don’t have to do the same type of things you did in high school, it’s ok to try new things and activities. Don’t pigeonhole yourself and don’t be afraid to look dumb.
Go to the football games.
Go to the band performances.
Go to the art shows.
Go to everything!!
Go Greek!
Go to the parties both on and off campus. Have a drink or two if you want but don’t overdo it. Learn your limits and stick to them.
STUDY. Make friends with the people who work in the library and they will hook you up with the good study areas.
Ask questions if you don’t understand something. And don’t be afraid to email your professors.
Remember that it’s always better to be over-prepared than under. Same thing goes for getting dressed.
Be yourself! don’t like something just because everyone else does. Remember that it’s ok to be different.
That college health clinic is there for a reason. They can help you with everything from a free flu shot to free birth control. Take advantage while you can!
Rent your textbooks (Amazon is the cheapest!!) or buy them used, never buy new textbooks unless you absolutely have to.
Keep applying for scholarships!! You can get scholarships while you are in college from your extracurricular activities or from your academic achievements. It’s free money so use it while you can!
Student loans are sometimes a necessary evil. Don’t ever feel ashamed if you have to get them but at the same time only take as much as you need. You don’t want to be paying for that Spring Break trip to Cancun for the next 10+ years.
Call your Mom. And your Dad. And your grandparents and everyone else you love. They want to hear from you and make sure you are still alive.
Don’t get any tattoos while under the influence. You will regret them.
And last but certainly not least HAVE FUN. College will seriously be the best time of your life and it goes by so quickly so don’t rush it. Live in the moment but plan for the future. You can do this.
Love, Me.
Be weird. I LOVE it! Everyone is always so afraid to be themselves. I think it’s so tragic that we only learn to be ourselves after we’ve experienced all the formative moments in our lives.
I love the idea of letting them be weird! I was always myself no matter what. I’m going to teach my son to do the same thing. Sometimes being weird is just a great way to let your hair down.
This is an awesome post for those who are graduating. I would definitely write a letter that said see the world, and join the military, those are the two things you may not have the opportunity to do later in life that you should totally do while you are young.
I just love this! I would pretty much say the same thing to my younger self. Just go have fun! You are only in highschool once.
College is harder than high school, but I enjoyed it so much more! You really start to feel like an adult!
My daughter just graduated from high school on Friday. She is such a mixed bag of emotions right now! I know as soon as the shock wears off, she will be excited for what the future holds!
Such thoughtful and spot on advice! I told my daughter the same when she went to college. Great article I will share!
These are great tips. My niece is off to college, she could use these tips.
What a great little letter. My kid sister graduated from high school last year and I wish she would have read this before going off to college.
You’re Tri-Sig? What chapter?
Yes I am!! I am Epsilon Zeta (Southern Arkansas University)! Are you a Tri Sigma??
Its awesome post. High school is once of our lifetime and it is the best in school. I remembered when I was in high school I am totally enjoyed it.
This is a great post for anyone graduating from High School and going on to college. College was easier to me than high school and you do make friends for life. Thanks for sharing the information for those graduating from High School.
I LOVE this! It is such a great letter and I think every high school graduate should read it. I wish I would have had something like this written to me!
I love this. What a wonderful post! I love that you say be weird. That’s the best!
This brings back so many memories. I remember graduating from high school and I planned on going to college. I couldn’t afford to go to the school of my dreams so I went off to a community college. It was a great choice because I got to live at home and the classes were smaller. Plans changed when I got pregnant with my daughter but it was worth it. I ended up getting my degree in my 30s and that is okay too. :)
OH yes be weird! I love it. Love all of these tips. Definitely don’t take 8am classes! Don’t eat too much. lol
Amazing how often I forget “righty tight, lefty loosey.” Some good words of advice in this post!
I disagree with you saying that college is the best time of your life. As an adult, YOU are responsible for making the best of any time in your life. I don’t miss college at all. I have a good job, a wonderful husband, nice friends who I met *after* college, and more time for my hobbies and interests. There is so much more to life beyond college.
This is awesome! I will share this with our son once he graduates high-school and that’s few more years from now!
In few more years, I will be saying these things to my children. What a great way to put it.
LOL! Be weird. I totally was very weird and so many people loved me for that. Never try to be the Norm or else college will be boring.
Having fun is super important for an awesome college experience. It’s those experiences that bring you through the tough times.