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I haven’t done a currently post in a while so I thought it was time! I have been feeling kind of blah about this blog lately but I think it’s just the post-holiday blues. I’m trying to get back into the swing of everyday life and this super cold dreary weather is not helping at all. So here we go, easing back into that blog life.
Currently I am…
…feeling like death warmed over. I honestly haven’t felt this bad in a long time. I can’t breathe through my nose, I can’t swallow, I’m achy all over and I literally slept all day and night Sunday. Ugh. And to think, I was just bragging about my super immune system the other day to a friend. Working in a hospital has really boosted my immune system but every time I brag about it I get sick (the last time I bragged about my “super immune system” I got RSV.). So I’m done bragging about it. For good.
…watching the Twilight saga. I love love love these movies!! Yes, they are cheesy but I really love the story. I actually recorded the series this past weekend (it was on Freeform) so now it’s on my DVR. Because even though I own all of the dvds apparently I am too lazy to get up and put a dvd in the dvd player. #FirstWorldProblems #TeamEdward
…wanting to watch La La Land. After watching The Golden Globes last night and seeing bits and pieces of it I really want to watch it now. I’m honestly surprised that hasn’t happened yet seeing how I am musical obsessed…LOL!!
…getting both nervous and excited about Whole30. It starts tomorrow and I have been scouring Pinterest and the Whole30 website for recipes and shopping lists and I even cleaned out my pantry and got rid of all unapproved food. I don’t want any temptation in my way. I can do this. It’s only 30 days!!
…planning my big birthday trip to Memphis!! I can’t wait to see my girls again!! we are meeting up in Memphis for my birthday to watch 50 Shades Darker and celebrate the end of Whole30. Should be a fun time!! We already got our hotel and are now planning things to do. I know we I want to go to Graceland. We also want to do a fun brunch on Sunday. If you have any recommendations on things to do or fun brunch spots then send them my way!
…actually looking forward to working out. I joined a gym a couple weeks ago and haven’t been yet, oops! But I can’t wait to start feeling better while doing Whole30 and then maybe I will actually have the energy to go?? Here’s to hoping…
…reading Sophie Kinsella’s new book My Not So Perfect Life. I got an early release copy of Sophie Kinsella’s book and I literally read it in two days. It was seriously that good! You may remember SK from her Shopaholic series and if you loved those then you will love this one too. I love her style of writing and by the end of the book I was fist pumping and rooting for the main character. I love it when a book sucks me in and has me rooting for the characters. I believe it comes out next June and I highly recommend it!!
I guess that’s all I have to say for now, I feel like I was rambling?? Ugh, sorry!! Check back later this week for a Whole30 update and maybe some recipes.
What have you been up to lately??
I have been trying to see La La Land for the last week, but I haven’t had any luck yet. One of these days and I hope you feel better!
Get well soon and I hope you’ll feel a lot better. I guess even those with super immune system can be sick at times. I rarely get sick but when I get sick everything catches up.
Sucks to not feel well and hope it passes quickly. Watching Twilight movies is great way pass the time. Globe award getting to political.
There are some nasty bugs going around right now!!! Sounds like a busy time right now, what a fun birthday trip to get to take.
I’m sorry you’re feeling under the weather. A bunch of us in this house have felt sick recently too. Hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m interested in the whole 30 too!
First, feel better! It’s that time of year for sure. Get lots of rest :). The Twilight Saga is so cheesy, but I’ll do the same thing. Just watch it while curled up. I haven’t DVR’d it yet though, but I have most of them on my Apple TV, so I just go through there lol.
Awww bless you, get well soon and good luck with the whole30 and hope you manage to finish it in style
Aww, I hope you start feeling better soon. It will be nice to marathon those movies while you rest up. The Whole30 should be great!
I am sorry to hear about how you feel! I have never even heard of La La Land before last night … but now I want to see it badly as well! haha
I’ve never outgrown the Twilight Saga. I think it’s always gonna be one of my faves – both book & movie. I read somewhere that there might be a new installment. I hope this super pushes through :)
Feel better soon. It sucks feeling under the weather. I’ve heard about La Land last night on the news but did not pay much attention to it. I’ll check it out, though.
Sorry to hear about your sickness. Hope you get better soon. I am excited to hear about your trip to Memphis!
I am sorry you are sick, I just got over a cold and it knocked me down for a while. I really want to see La La land, I have heard it is a great movie!
Being sick totally sucks. I hope you feel better soon. Hanging with the girls is always a good time.
Getting back into the swing of things is SO hard after the holidays. It feels surreal.
I hope you will be in a better mood as the days move along. It is worth being happy and I pray that happiness will be your mood. Sounds like a good book. I hope to indulge someday.
Good luck on completing the whole 30. Its not for me but I’ve had friends complete it!
I am so jelly. Sophia Kinsella is one of my favorite authors ever! I can’t wait to read this book!!!!